Persistent and profound disparity in COVID mortality rates between USA / Western Europe and
Is this explained by crossover efficacy of antimalarial drugs?
Geoff Mitchell, MD, JD, FACEP, Sonya Naryshkin, MD, FIAC, FCAP
Purpose: On May 1, 2020, one of us (GM) reported an initial profound disparity in COVID mortality rates between developed western nations (DWN) and countries in
Methods: We performed a comparative analysis of COVID fatality rates from March 1, 2020, until June 1, 2021. We compared six
Results: Official data indicates that people living in the DWN died from COVID at a rate of approximately 150 times that of people in the SSA group. When corrected for age differences, the DWN fatality rates were approximately 25 times those of SSA. This profound disparity persisted over the study period. There is a strong correlation between the use of antimalarial drugs and low death rates. Two antimalarial drugs, with reported
Conclusion : The profoundly lower mortality rates for people living in SSA versus the DWN appears to be explained by widespread use of antimalarial drugs which have crossover efficacy against
Keywords: COVID, artemisinin, Africa, malaria,
More than 3.2 million people have died from
experts predicted just the opposite - a catastrophic outcome for Africa - particularly
This work was always about the interplay between malaria and COVID. Six SSA countries studied were selected for study because of their high rates of malaria. This study began at a time when experts argued that Africa would have catastrophic COVID outcomes. The evidence of the inverse relationship between COVID and malaria is compelling. We sought to understand why.
The hypothesis of that first paper was that there exists an inverse relationship between endemic malaria and the incidence and severity of
About six weeks later (06/15/20) a second paper was written.4 In the U.S. it was strongly asserted, with little evidence, that Africans or at least African Americans in the U.S. are more susceptible to COVID infection and death. If the arguments of these U.S. experts were true as presented, then Africans in Africa, who all too often had the same poor social determinates of health as well as essentially the same genetic makeup, would experience catastrophic COVID outcomes as well. This, of course, was the prevailing opinion of virtually all experts in the Spring of 2020. The second paper also noted that the profoundly superior outcomes initially seen in SSA were persisting. The conclusion of that second paper was that, at least on a worldwide scale, differences in COVID mortality are not readily explained in racial or socially determined terms. Something else must be at play. The second hypothesis, that antimalarial drugs have crossover efficacy against
This third paper now demonstrates that, fifteen months in this pandemic, the COVID outcomes in SSA remain profoundly and persistently superior to the U.S. and the DWNs. This strongly suggests the truth of the second hypothesis, that there exists a crossover efficacy of antimalarial drugs against
Another antimalarial, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), has always been an issue in the current pandemic. HCQ is the prototypical antimalarial, or at least was so in the past. Evidence demonstrates that HCQ has had success against
Material and Methods
The authors set out to study the disparity between the COVID outcomes in malaria- endemic SSA versus DWNs. This is an observational, epidemiological study. The experimental
design was to follow this disparate fatality rate and reevaluate month after month. We followed and analyzed official governmental statistics for the six SSA countries and four DWNs for the first fifteen months of the COVID pandemic.
The six specific SSA countries to be studied were not
Raw mortality data was originally obtained from the total_deaths.csv file downloaded from Our World in Data.2 This data source ceased being populated in November 2020. After that the data was migrated to a file named
In the original May 2020, paper, the data were analyzed by epidemiologist and biostatistician, Dr. Khuder, one of the original authors. Dr. Khuder also verified the statistical significance of the data in the second, “Two Cities” paper in June 2020.4 The more recent data was reverified using an online Z score calculator for two population proportions at
To maximize the accuracy of the data, it was adjusted for age. We used a simplified age- adjustment method because
To better understand the role of antimalarials in the treatment of
To review this material regarding COVID outcomes in SSA and the potential roles of antimalarial drugs in early, outpatient treatment, we employed various search engines including PubMed, Research Gate, Google Scholar, medRxiv, bioRxiv, Elsevier’s SSRN and various sources of government and news data sources. Government and
Because this pandemic placed all of us in fast moving, uncharted waters, we also utilized less overtly scientific sources such as newspaper and other periodicals. We were particularly searching for government policy pronouncements and other relevant materials to enable us to better understand what was happening in SSA. The various data sources were reviewed for information regarding the use of antimalarials to treat COVID in the study countries.
There are two classes of results. The first was statistical data collected and analyzed regarding the COVID fatality rates of the two groups of countries. The second class of results was the review of the use of particular antimalarial agents in the six SSA countries. These results addressed the two hypotheses set forth in the original May 2020 paper: 1) the number of COVID deaths are inversely related to the incidence of Malaria; and 2) the improved COVID outcomes in
COVID fatality rates in SSA remain extraordinarily low and inversely related to the incidence of malaria. The COVID fatality rates utilized were those reported by their governments and collated by JHU and other respected sources. These COVID fatality rates in these SSA countries started low. The COVID fatality rates in the SSA countries started low and stayed low over fifteen months of study. The data were reviewed and recalculated once a month on the first of the month. The data were finalized on June 1, 2021. At the time of publication, the average raw,
The data were adjusted for age as described. At the time of publication, the average age- adjusted fatality rate computed for the six SSA countries was 97 deaths per million. This is the statistical fiction described above. (When adjusted for age, the U.S. rate goes up as well because the U.S. has significantly fewer elderly residents than Italy.) The
The disparity in COVID outcomes (fatality rates) between the US/Western nations and SSA was persistent and profound. The raw,
The evidence presented here is what the FDA calls
1E.g., the Lagos/NYC data as it was in the previous June 2020, “Two Cities” article.4 On May 11, 2021, the total COVID fatality rate in Lagos was 439 or 29 dpm.11 The cumulative fatality rate reported in NYC was 28,000 total deaths (as of May 17, 202129) or 3,333 dpm.12 Again, this is about a
events and to make regulatory decisions.” The FDA notes that “observational studies are increasingly being used to “generate innovative, new treatment approaches.” 9
It is impossible to study the COVID pandemic without some consideration of HCQ. HCQ is the prototypical “antimalarial” agent. In the media, HCQ is often described as “the antimalarial drug HCQ.” Though criticized and prohibited in the U.S., HCQ is still successfully used to treat COVID around the world. HCQ remains perhaps the greatest controversy in the COVID pandemic. HCQ was always touted as an antimalarial agent. A search on PubMed reveals the existence of 2,588 articles on HCQ and COVID in about sixteen months’ time. 10
HCQ has been widely successful in the treatment of COVID around the world. In a metanalysis of 1.8 billion patients, the c19study group reported that “the treatment group has a 69.9% lower death rate.”11 There is arguably no institution more representative of modern “science,” especially contemporary western science than the American Association for the Advancement of Science (“AAAS”). The AAAS is epitomized by its (rather audaciously named) flagship publication “Science.” Now in the COVID pandemic, even the AAAS has acknowledged the association between the use of HCQ and superior COVID outcomes worldwide. In an AAAS EurekAlert! The AAAS cited a c19 study of the use of HCQ around the world. 12,13 (Figure 2.) Figure 3 shows the corollary, the COVID outcomes of those same countries around the world.14
Despite the criticisms and prohibitions by the purported best and brightest of U.S. physicians and scientists, HCQ is successfully used in the U.S. as well. Its precursor, quinine has been used for 220 years. HCQ is said to have been used to treat malaria for 65 years. The public and many in the scientific community appear to have a continued interest in HCQ. Shortly after Dr. Raoult’s first publication in March 2020,15 Dr. Zev Zelenko, practicing near the U.S. COVID epicenter in New York, began to report his success in treating COVID with HCQ. 16 In June 2020,
In the U.S. especially, early outpatient treatment of COVID with the antimalarial HCQ was widely criticized by health agencies and experts. This includes: the FDA,23 the CDC,24 Dr. Fauci,
the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the NIH and advisor to presidents Biden and Trump,25,26 Dr. Fauci’s agency, the NIH,27 and the World Health Organization.28 Studies from North America are 3.7 times more likely to report negative results than studies from the rest of the world combined.29
HCQ was not only criticized, it was widely banned throughout the U.S., often under the full weight of law. In Ohio, for example, this included the Board of Pharmacy,30 the Ohio Attorney General and both of Ohio’s two U.S. Attorneys.31,32
America’s prohibition and even criminalization of HCQ has failed. This can be seen not just in the OWID graph (Figure 4, below), but also in the now infamous May 22, 2020, Lancet article entitled – “Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID: a multinational registry analysis.” 33 Its lead author was the endowed chair of cardiology at Harvard, Prof. Mandeep R Mehra, MD. The newly released article was touted on CCN on Friday afternoon, May 22, 2020.34 On the basis of the Lancet article, the WHO immediately terminated all HCQ research worldwide.35 The data for the Lancet article was reportedly collected and held by a company called Surgisphere.36 Surgisphere turned out to be a complete fraud, and it vanished when the fraud was exposed.37 The article, later known as “Lancetgate,” was subsequently withdrawn.38 A related article was retracted from the New England Journal of Medicine. 39 In an interview with The New York Times, Dr. Richard Horton, the editor in chief of The Lancet, “called the paper retracted by his journal a ‘fabrication’ and ‘a monumental fraud.’” 40
There is now overwhelming evidence the U.S. COVID outcomes are far worse than the rest of the world. This fact can easily be computed from the most widely used data sources, the JHU COVID Dashboard. This graph can also be easily produced on the OWID website. (Figure 4.) 41, fn2 If this data is not accurate, how can we trust any data in the COVID pandemic? Even if the SSA data is disregarded, there remain some 185 other countries to compare to the U.S. It is indisputable that U.S. results are at least twice as poor as the rest of the world - probably four times worse.42
For the purposes of this paper one must consider the role of HCQ. HCQ is used to fight COVID in Africa, but the prevalence of HCQ in Africa to treat Malaria or COVID is not precisely known. The authors make no claim of possessing exhaustive knowledge of the usage rates of HCQ to treat either malaria or COVID in these SSA countries. A few things have been discovered. For approximately the past fifteen years, HCQ has been supplanted as the recommended antimalarial drug in SSA. Artemisinin is the preferred drug. However, change is slow and there are anecdotal reports of continued use of HCQ in many countries for various reasons, especially confirmed or suspected malaria.
About twenty reports of HCQ use in the treatment of COVID in SSA have been documented by the c19study group. 42 There is additional documentation of intentional use of HCQ to treat COVID in SSA. fn3 Even if there is significant HCQ use in SSA, the fact of the reported COVID outcomes in these six countries being so much better than anywhere else, argues
2The OWID graph (Figure 4) is slightly inaccurate because the U.S. data is included in the world data. This skews the world data higher. When the U.S. fatality rate is truly compared to the rest of the world minus the U.S. data, the rates are: U.S. 1748 deaths per million (dpm), rest of world = 347 dpm, fatality ratio, US/World = 5.04x. (May 1, 2021).
3Writing in the journal, Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine Ethiopian Anteneh Belayneh reported that “many African countries have already approved at the national level to use these drugs to treat COVID by opposing WHO warnings.” Belayneh specifically noted that HCQ was used to treat COVID in Nigeria, Uganda, and Mozambique. 3 Belayneh reported that “the Anadolu Agency showed that Nigeria goes into clinical trials with hydroxychloroquine.” A Nigerian medical director was quoted as saying, “The narrative might change later, but for now, we believe in hydroxychloroquine.” Belayneh reported, “Uganda recorded good results by treating COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine.” Dr. Diana Atwine, secretary of the Ministry of Health stated, “Uganda has scored good results from using these drugs. She also added that these drugs are not new for them, and they know well about the side effects.” 3
for another explanation besides HCQ. There is no sufficient evidence that HCQ alone could explain the very low fatality rates seen in these six SSA countries. This is especially true because, as seen below, the available evidence indicates that other antimalarial agents may be more widely used in these six countries than HCQ.
A second antimalarial agent,
well.fn4 The efficacy of other antimalarial agents was hypothesized in the author’s first paper (May 2020).3
We know that the
The inhibition of seeding of
4Malarone® is the brand name for the combination of atovaquone and proguanil, effective in the treatment of and especially the prophylaxis against malaria. This paper will use the accepted generic abbreviation
5The Chinese know malaria.5 Malaria has been known to be present in China for hundreds of years. In 1940, China had 3 million cases of malaria with 300,000 deaths.5 Malaria has now been entirely eradicated from China. China would be highly motivated to prevent its travelers from importing malaria back to China. China has a sophisticated CDC believed to be modeled after the U.S. CDC.5 As part of their CDC, the Chinese have a National Institute of
Parasitic Diseases (NIPD) “designated as the WHO Collaborative Center for Malaria, Schistosomiasis and Filariasis since 1980.”5 The Chinese generally follow US CDC and WHO recommendations, and China has a master plan to eliminate malaria. This would include strong antimalarial prophylaxis among its many citizens traveling to Africa.5,5 Like other world travelers to SSA, Chinese travelers would have followed CDC guidelines and used
6Artemisinin is recommended for the treatment of malaria. Artemisinin is THE drug of choice to treat malaria in our six countries and in many countries around the world. It was recommended as the drug of first choice in most of these
Figure 5 is a graph published by Ezenduka, et al in the Malaria Journal.51 It is illustrative of the relative use of artemisinin usage in the treatment of malaria in Nigeria. There, the President’s Malaria Initiative for 2021 indicates that in a country of about 223 million people there is need for about 30 million ACT courses.52 Artemisinin use is reported to be widely available in Nigeria.53 Artemisinin is also widely used in DR Congo,54,55 Uganda,56 Mozambique,57 Côte d'Ivoire,58 and Niger.59 Thus, all the six SSA countries studied utilize large amounts of artemisinin
-about 200,000,000 ACT courses, about two thirds of the global artemisinin production.60 Artemisinin is also reported to be widely and readily available, at least in Nigeria.61 Artemisinin’s widespread use is epidemiologically associated with superior COVID outcomes in the six SSA countries.
Finally, this crossover efficacy of artemisinin is supported by the fact that, as with
There is also increasing interest in the use of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID. 62 Ivermectin, used to treat river blindness (onchocerciasis), is not an antimalarial, but the geographical distribution of onchocerciasis almost exactly parallels that of malaria in SSA. “More than 99% of infected people live in 31 countries in
Amodiaquine, like HCQ, is another congener of chloroquine that is no longer recommended for single drug chemoprophylaxis of P. falciparum malaria because of toxicity.69 Amodiaquine is used in some
Our review of antimalarials used in SSA through various search engines found some expected but limited consideration of the repurposing of
Artemisinin is produced commercially for the treatment of falciparum malaria and marketed internationally as Alaxin, Armiqin, Artequik, Dimisinex, and in the U.S., Coartem. About twenty different brands of
7Nair, et. al. found that “artemisinin alone showed an estimated IC50 of about 70 μM.” “In contrast, the antimalarial drug amodiaquine had an IC50 = 5.8 μM.” 7 Chuanxiong Nie, et. al. reported that artemisinin inhibited a variety of viruses including
Across multiple databases, there are about 80 studies of HCQ for every study of artemisinin. There are a few in vitro studies, even fewer still human studies.
The raw,
To obtain the most reliable data, we adjusted for age. It is critical to note that the percentage of elderly residents in the SSA countries is not zero. It is about 20% of the number found in the U.S. Thus, the expected COVID death rate in SSA is not zero. The death rate expected in SSA would be about 20% of the U.S. COVID death rate. Thus, based upon 20% of the U.S. rate of 1,804 dpm, the expected fatality rates in the six SSA countries would be about 360 dpm per million. It is not. It is reported to be 12.5 dpm. The statistically created
<0.0001. 70 The evidence presented here is what the FDA calls Real World Data (RWD) or Real- World Evidence (RWE). It is useful and reliable.
Some have criticized or rejected the reported African COVID outcomes as inaccurate – for a variety of reasons. They seem too good to be true. The SSA data reported here runs contrary to virtually all American scientists who assert that African Americans are more prone to
In our review of antimalarial used in SSA through various search engines, we did not find similar epidemiological studies linking the superior clinical outcomes of SSA with the widespread use of these specific antimalarials. Nor did we find similar papers linking poor COVID outcomes with the prohibition and criminalization of early, outpatient antimalarial treatment. Nor did we
8The SSA data remained strikingly constant with the slight exception of Mozambique. Its rate began to pull away from the crowd a bit about three months ago. Mozambique’s rate has been about three times that of the other five SSA countries. Those other five SSA countries have remain tightly consistent.
9American scientists typically attribute increased COVID incidence to social determinates of disease such as poverty, poor access to health care, etc. Thus, the crossover hypothesis, that antimalarial drugs are effective against COVID, and even the inverse relationship to malaria itself, both run uphill or against the tide or the conventional wisdom. Some say the African death rates are falsely low because of a lack of testing. If so, where are the bodies of those who died of the misattributed cause? Some say deaths are being concealed. Either way, it seems implausible that six countries are conspiring to hide tens of thousands of corpses. It is arrogant, insulting, or worse to assert that Africans hide, ignore, or cannot count COVID deaths. There is evidence that Africans and others are monitoring for unreported COVID deaths. 9,9 We must accept that the fatality rates reported by multiple government agencies and reflected on the JHU Dashboard are real. Other explanations have been offered: climate, genetics, BCG, or the malarial infection itself. These alternative explanations have generally fallen to the wayside and are beyond the scope of this paper. No other alternative explanation discredits the crossover hypothesis suggested here by the data. The second, Lagos paper (“Two Cities,” 06/15/20) provides a more comprehensive analysis of the assertion that persons of African descent are more susceptible to
find similar papers contrasting the prohibition of early, outpatient COVID treatment in the West with the superb clinical outcomes associated with the widespread use of
HCQ is widely and successfully used around the world to treat COVID. The c19study group documents 1.8 billion patients studied with those treated with HCQ having a 70% decrease in mortality.11
America’s prohibition and criminalization of early, outpatient treatment, notably with the antimalarial drug HCQ (and ivermectin) has failed with the U.S. having a fatality rate four times the rest of the world. (Figure 4.)
HCQ has some use in SSA as noted above, but that use is thought insufficient to explain SSA’s remarkably superior COVID outcomes. 43,fn4 HCQ’s success elsewhere opens the door for consideration of other drugs, possibly antimalarials.
Early in the pandemic, most experts opined that COVID’s effects on Africa would be catastrophic.71,72,73,74,75,76 At the time of the first paper suggesting better COVID outcomes in SSA, the news and the media were replete with articles anticipating and lamenting a catastrophic result for Africa and SSA in the COVID pandemic. 77,78,79,80,81,82 No doubt African economies and countries are at risk on several levels but the feared and predicted catastrophic COVID outcomes simple did not materialize (at least thus far in the fifteen months of observation in this study). The U.S. CDC was perhaps the loudest in a chorus of voices who authoritatively asserted that,
in the U.S., African Americans are more prone to infection and death from COVID than whites. 83,84,85,86,87 Against this backdrop, it was nearly impossible to consider that Black Africans could possibly have better COVID outcomes than white Westerners, but this is what the data was beginning to show.
Instead, the experts were uniformly surprised at the superior COVID outcomes produced in SSA and now reported here to be continuing fifteen months into the pandemic. For example, by October 2020, Professor Salim Abdool Karim, South Africa’s COVID ministerial advisory committee chair stated, “Most African countries do not have a peak. I do not understand why. I’m completely at sea.” 88 Perhaps most dramatic were the admissions of Steven Phillips, M.D., MPH, a medical epidemiologist, and pandemic preparedness expert formerly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He would go on to make the same observations that other authors have begrudgingly admitted over the past year, describing the “stunning observation,” that African death rates are “exponentially lower." He described the “amazing performance” and "spectacular success" of Africa and reported that Africa’s superior COVID outcomes are "no longer hypothetical." 89 Thus, about six months after the author’s original “Markedly Lower Rates of Coronavirus” paper, fn10 Dr. Phillips affirmed the author’s original hypothesis, the one hundred- fold superior outcomes in SSA. The inverse relationship between malaria endemicity and COVID fatalities is affirmed by former CDC expert Dr. Phillips and further borne out now by another six months of epidemiologic data.
Artemisinin is the drug most widely used to treat malaria throughout the six SSA countries. Artemisinin, like HCQ’s precursor quinine, is another natural products story. fn11 Artemisinin has been used for hundreds of years to treat malaria. Artemisinin is the active ingredient in a traditional Chinese herb called Artemisia annua, or sweet wormwood. Artemisinin has been considered a COVID treatment but is often described condescendingly as an herbal remedy.90 Artemisinin is not to be trivialized. Artemisinin is utilized for the treatment of malaria and is the drug most widely recommended for malaria treatment in the six SSA countries studied. Tons of artemisinin are produced worldwide, and most is used to treat malaria in SSA. The crossover efficacy of artemisinin is supported by the fact that, as with
Three other facts pertaining to the potential use of artemisinin should be borne in mind. One, artemisinin is available in a parenteral formulation. It might be an antimalarial which has potential for use in patients with more advanced disease. Two, increased use of artemisinin to treat COVID might lead to increased malarial resistance to the drug. This will have to be monitored carefully. Three, malaria is still a catastrophic disease. Any use of artemisinin to treat COVID must not detract from the drug’s availability to treat malaria. The repurposing of other
10Originally submitted April 27, 2020. 3
11Artemisinin is the active agent derived from the Artemisia annua plant. It is commonly used in combination regimens known as ACTs, e.g.
antimalarial agents such as artemisinin and
Ivermectin and Amodiaquine both show promise in the treatment of COVID but consideration of these agents is generally beyond the scope of this paper. 91 It is pertinent to note that Ivermectin seems to produce a
Some have attempted to ignore the SSA experience completely. Perhaps the greatest surprise has been the utter failure of western medicine and science in the COVID pandemic. As noted above in the results, the U.S. and the West produced COVID outcomes which are approximately four times (300%) worse than the rest of the world. No one saw this coming. Western criticism, prohibition, and criminalization of HCQ has failed. (Figure 4.) The SSA experience is greatly corroborated by the failure of HCQ prohibitions in the West. Even if the SSA experience is ignored, Western prohibitions of HCQ treatment have still failed. The SSA experience is real and cannot be ignored. HCQ has been successfully used in many parts of the world. It appears to be used to some degree in SSA and may contribute to SSA’s success, but there exists no convincing evidence that HCQ is the primary cause of the superior COVID outcomes seen there. For this reason, the authors submit that two other antimalarial drugs produce better COVID outcomes than HCQ. They are
There is no doubt that SSA is fragile, both in terms of health care and economically. This is what so many experts saw and feared early in the pandemic. Nothing in this paper should be construed to trivialize these concerns. Whatever value artemisinin and other antimalarials may bring to the early, outpatient treatment of COVID must be balanced against their necessity and requisite availability of these drugs for the treatment of malaria. Any use of artemisinin or other currently used antimalarial in the treatment of COVID must be managed with great care.
A country’s COVID fatality rate is inversely related to its prevalence of malaria. The countries with the world’s highest per capita use of the antimalarial
Recommendations for Further Study
Despite Africa’s health vulnerability and economical fragility, this may be a window of opportunity for SSA to be of great benefit to the rest of the world. This paper is a plea for further investigation. While protecting the supplies needed to treat malaria, medical researchers should proceed, with haste and vigor, to further investigate the repurposing of antimalarial agents, especially artemisinin and
Funding: There was no funding for this paper.
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details: Geoff Mitchell, MD, JD, FACEP Assistant Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine
The University of Toledo, College of Medicine
Sonya Naryshkin, MD, FIAC, FCAP
Naryshkin Consulting
Whitewater Wisconsin
Figure 1. Superior COVID Outcomes in
Figure 2 – Global HCQ/CQ Use Copyrights Dr. Alberto Boretti, Dr. Bimal Banik, Dr. Stefania Castelletto, Bentham Science. Also published by AAAS as a “EurekAlert!”
Figure 3 - Cumulative confirmed deaths from COVID 19, OWID
Figure 4. COVID Outcomes, U.S. v. World (U.S. Fatalities nearly 4x worse)
Figure 5. Artemisinin Use in Nigeria. Ezenduka, C.C., Ogbonna, B.O., Ekwunife, O.I. et al. Drugs use pattern for uncomplicated malaria in medicine retail outlets in Enugu urban, southeast Nigeria: implications for malaria treatment policy. Malar J 13, 243 (2014).
Table 1. Disparate Fatality Rates (06/01/21)
1Mitchell, Geoff and Khuder, Sadik, Markedly Lower Rates of Coronavirus Infection and Fatality in Malaria- Endemic Regions A Clue to Treatment? (April 27, 2020). Available at SSRN: or
2Our World in Data, original source,, Accessed November 2020.
3After November, 2020, Our World in Data, current COVID data source,
4Mitchell, Geoff, A Tale of Two Cities Lagos, Nigeria’s Apparent Success in the War Against COVID (Crossover Prophylaxis Against Coronavirus by Antimalarial Agents) (June 16, 2020). Available at
SSRN: or
5World malaria report 2019. World Health Organization 2019; published Dec 4:
6COVID Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU),, Accessed May 28, 2021.
7Lagos Government webpage., last visited May 15, 2020 @ 9:00 a.m.
8Coronavirus deaths in NYC,
10PubMed Search Results for “covid” and “hydroxychloroquine,” April 26, 2021, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm., April 26, 2021.
11Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine: a
12Figure 2 - Global HCQ/CQ Use, @CovidAnalysis,, Accessed May 29, 2021.
13Also cited by AAAS Eurekalert! Global HCQ/CQ Use, Credit, Copyrights Dr. Alberto Boretti, Dr. Bimal Banik, Dr. Stefania Castelletto, Bentham Science Publishers, multimedia/pub/250198.php?from=485555. , (Last visited May 4, 2021).
14Figure 3 - Cumulative confirmed deaths from COVID 19, OWID
Cumulative Confirmed Deaths,
250197.php, Credit, Copyrights belong to Dr. Alberto Boretti, Dr. Bimal Banik, Dr. Stefania Castelletto, Bentham Science Publishers, (Last visited May 4, 2021).
15Lagier JC, Raoult D et al, Outcomes of 3,737 COVID patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis. IHU COVID Task force. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2020
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16Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s website,, Accessed May 29, 2021.
17Risch HA. Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic,
18Real World COVID Experience: in the Community (video presentation), Brian Tyson, M.D.,
19NYC Coronavirus Health Data, by borough,
20Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID Solution, U.S. Senate Homeland Security, Full
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21McCullough PA, et. al. Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory
23FDA Health Care Provider Fact Sheet – HCQ revoked, version date 4/27/2020, 136537/download, Last Accessed May 28, 2021.
24CDC: Outpatient Management of Acute COVID, management/, Accessed May 28, 2021.
25Dr. Fauci Interview on CNBC, Dr. Fauci says all the ‘valid’ scientific data shows hydroxychloroquine isn’t effective in treating coronavirus,
26Caldera C. Fauci did not [and does not] approve hydroxychloroquine as a cure for coronaviruses in 2005, USA Today, August 19, 2020,
27NIH COVID Treatment Guidelines, Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine With or Without Azithromycin, Last update October 9, 2020,
28Coronavirus disease (COVID) advice for the public: Mythbusters,
29HCQ for COVID:
31AG Yost, U.S. Attorneys and Pharmacy Board Issue Joint Statement Regarding Ohio Board of Pharmacy Rule, Office of the Ohio Attorney General, March 24, 2020,
32U.S. Attorneys David DeVillers and Justin Herdman, Ohio Attorney General and Pharmacy Board Director issue joint statement regarding state pharmacy rule, U.S. Department of Justice, March 24, 2020,
33Mehra MR, et. al., Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID: a multinational registry analysis. Published: May 22, 2020 DOI:
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35WHO halts hydroxychloroquine trial for coronavirus amid safety fears, The Guardian, May 25, 2020,
36Pillar, C. Who’s to blame? These three scientists are at the heart of the Surgisphere COVID scandal, Science Magazine, Jun. 8, 2020,
39Retraction: Cardiovascular Disease, Drug Therapy, and Mortality in COVID, The New England Journal of Medicine, June 25, 2020, N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2007621, nejmc2021225.
40The Pandemic Claims New Victims: Prestigious Medical Journals, The New York Times, June 16, 2020,
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